

From superior quality to comical “taxiderpy,” ponder the wide range of taxidermy from around the world. A majority of these animals are antique, vintage or natural zoo deaths. None of our collection has been killed for the museum.


A collection of fun and whimsical art. We love to celebrate local artists. Stay Tuned for an artist spotlight!

medical & scientific

An eerie menagerie showcasing antique & vintage instruments and models from various medical and scientific fields. This includes but is not limited to - surgical, dental, and psychology.


Clowns, GAFF art, sideshow and games! What else could you ask for?

funerary / mortuary

Only one thing is guaranteed in life. Through the years this dark corner has been the playground for philosophers and mad men alike. View a collection of ceremonial treasures, this includes - caskets, coffins, real skeletons, secret societies and religion.


We venture to say that we display the largest freak collection currently on display in one space.

A collection made up of real animals with two-heads, cyclopia, multi-limbs, dwarfism and other distinctive anomalies